Are you tired of the kids complaining about anything! Complaining who is first to the shower, who’s turn it is to sit in the front or what is expected of them when they get home. I have comprised routines and schedules that will help you create a Command Area that works for you. A command area should include items that are tailored to your family.
Lessen the stress of policing arguments that are not necessary. Yes, this will take a few minutes to get it all set up and a few months each month but I know you will be grateful. Remember to tailor to your needs otherwise it will not work for you.
My Command Area includes:
- Weekly Menu
- Car Ride Schedule
- Shower Schedule
- Morning Routine
- After School Routine
- Cleaning Schedule
- Emergency Contact
Perhaps some of these will work for you while you may find yourself tweaking them to fit your family and that is perfectly fine. These are to give you an idea of what to have in your own command area and find what works for your family. We are all different and have different needs in the different stages of our lives.

Let’s take a look a bit deeper of each
Weekly Menu
Having my Weekly Menu posted not only helps me get organized to make sure I have everything I need for the meals but it also helps my kids mentally prepare for our meals. For one of my little guys he likes being able to see this. It doesn’t change his attitude but it helps him be calm and doesn’t have to ask me what for dinner every 20 or so minutes until its done.
Get your FREE Weekly Menu Printable
Car Ride Schedule
I have three children plus a friend of mine’s daughter that I take to school each day. Two are in boosters while the other two can sit in the front. We have a constant argument as to who’s turn it is to sit in the front or who has to sit in the middle of the back seat. The later is not a favorite between the four. I came up with this Car Ride Schedule to help lessen the morning argument and it has helped us. Everyone gets a turn in their least favorite seat. You may need to play around with this a bit to figure out your schedule depending on your family size.
Get your Free copy of the Car Ride Schedule PDF
Shower Schedule
Much like the arguments of who sits where which day we also have a constant morning routine of arguments who showers when. We shower in the morning. It works for us. The arguments lessened when we created this shower schedule. First, second, third is our order = 3 kids. Hope this helps you.
Morning Routine
Yes having a morning routine has helped my family. Its posted so everyone know what is expected of them each weekday morning. No electronics or playing until all is done.
Our Morning Routine Includes:
- Bathroom
- Shower
- Get Dressed
- Laundry
- Breakfast
- Free Time
You may also like:
- No Games/Electronics/TV until Summer Schedule is complete. Check out our Weekday Summer Schedule.
- Also check out 3+ Back to School Hacks that will help make the transition much easier on the whole family.
After School Routine
We certainly had a time with getting our children to work on homework, that was until we created the After School Routine.
Our Routine includes:
- Bathroom
- Snack
- Homework
- Free Time
- Dinner
The kids know exactly what is expected before they can watch their shows, play in their room or any electronic use.
Cleaning Schedule
I admit I have a cleaning schedule but I don’t always follow it, but here is why it works for us. Its a good reminder to see it posted and every so often we look at the day and say yeah we really need to clean that room. There are many times that this works and we do the deep cleaning of that room. This is one of those areas that we need to re-examine in our life.
See our Cleaning Schedule
Emergency Contact
I have to admit that our Emergency Contact list really is not necessary because we have an Echo and the hubby set it up to be able to call both of our cell phones. So if the kids are home and need to get a hold of us they can. We do have other numbers on our Emergency contact such as grand parents and close friends.
Just type this out and place it in the command area. I have not pictured it here to keep those numbers of our friends and family confidential but you get the idea. Make it your own and be sure your children know how to use the phone and call if necessary.
Cheap Picture Frames
I went with black picture frames. Some of them are from Dollar Tree while the larger ones are from yard sales. I did not pay more than $1 for each. Your command center does not have to be expensive to make.
What items do you have in your Command Area? Do you have a Chore chart? I recently created my goals chart. I haven’t actually used it but the idea is there!